We believe in the power of energy healing to promote positive health and well-being. Our aim is to help everyone feel nurtured and nourished, whether in a group Sound Bath Meditation or an individual healing session.
We work intuitively, creatively and responsively.
Our interest lays in both science and spirituality, aligning our experience and knowledge of both to offer a unique package and approach.
COMING SOON..... Online Mantra course. 5 online course for those interested in learning Mantra and experiencing the healing power of the voice.
You will experience
Exploration into body, voice, breath connection
The benefits of vocal toning (alongside therapeutic instruments)
The Bija Mantras and associated tone for each of the Chakras
A new Mantra taught in each session and using the traditional practice of chanting 108 times
A time for mindful meditation, to relax, replenish, reflect and focus on intentions and hopes for the future
Email us to book: soundslikehealing@hotmail.com

"I am still relaxed and calm from a wonderful workshop today. What Emily and Jane are doing is relaxing, healing and creative. They are very professional in what they offer is a real insight into the healing power of sound, music, chanting. They created a relaxing atmosphere within which was just an amazing experience and array of sounds and vibrations that offer healing, growth and just made me feel fantastic. I cannot recommend them highly enough."